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Windows 7 — Colors look wrong in Windows photo viewer

There is an issue with the way Windows Photo Viewer and the list of the other software start displaying colours in the wrong way. It looks like some filter applied to it. In real, usually it caused by updating current drivers for display adapters or upgrading to the new hardware (so brand new drivers getting […]

How to disable videos auto-play in Facebook

2 days ago Facebook introduced videos auto-play function in a News Feed. First it was neat but now a lot of people a getting irritated by constant video play-back. I am here to tell you that, yes, you can turn it off. Not only it might irritate you but it also drains you laptop’s or mobile phone’s […]

Windows 7: How to add recipients to Send to menu

In case you have some folder where you need to send files all the time or when you are performing some task, you can add this folder to the “Send to” menu.   To do it create shortcut to the required recipients folder and place it to: C:\Users\j<User Name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo Where <User Name> is the user […]

How to speed up your PC Part 1

I’m sure everyone who has a computer running on Windows OS has experienced it getting slow with time. The reasons for performance slowdown are actually numerous and need to be dealt with in different ways, so we decided to share some tips on most frequent cases that we will divide into several articles. One of […]

What is the most popular OS or Windows vs Mac?

  Not long ago we wrote about the most popular browsers, now it is time to look at operation systems. So what the majority of the computers are running on? Looking at the table below we can see that Microsoft is dominating. Different versions of Windows OS are installed on more than 70% of devices. Windows […]

What do Sony, HTC, Samsung, Razer have in common?

Nope, not smartphones! I’m talking about two wonderful letters – VR, that stand for Virtual Reality, that all these companies are successfully working on. I remember watching movies of 80th-90th, where people living in the future (and according to that movies that future is close to our days) were playing games wearing some helmets and […]

How to create your custom budget tracker?

Doing your home budget accounting is a really good idea. It allows to track the flow of your funds and do some budget planning. There are tons of mobile applications on app stores. Part of them are paid applications; others are free but full of advertisements. The most uncomfortable in these apps is that you […]

Windows 7: How to convert values to a different format?

Built in WIndows calculator has been with us a for long time. Everybody knows how to run it and probably uses it time to time. Windows 7 hides several cool features in standard calculator application. Just hit on View menu on calculator’s screen and you will see more than ten different modes. Sometime you need […]

Internet Browser – Default page issues

Internet browsing usually is much fun, but sometimes it may bring unexpected results. One the popular issues is that your default page in browser gets set to some website (online store, news portal, some strange search engine or even something adult). This can be easily considered as a virus, but antiviruses never pay attention to […]

Windows 10: Turning off Windows Defender in Windows 10

Howdy! If you want to go all-ninja, swift, and risky and unleash the full power of your computer’s CPU on that bulky video project that you are about to render, you might want to consider turning off Windows Defender. Yes, you will be unprotected, but there is a plus in that sometimes. In windows 7 […]