Poor Wifi signal?
There is no sense paying for high-speed internet at home or office if you can not take advantage of it. The simplest and most common example is when you are not getting desired connection speed via wifi.
It turns out that there may be multiple different root causes that drop Wifi speed or block it at all.
One them, we have already discussed. If you are living or working in the area where lots of Wifi networks overlap, you will notice that you can not get a stable high-speed connection via Wifi. Switching your wireless router to a different channel (basically making it work on a different frequency) can resolve the issue. How to do this correctly read in our previous article How to change WiFI channel?
Another router related reason can be your Wifi setting which is IEEE 802 standard. There are four common versions of IEEE 802 standard – B, G, N, and AC. Based on which standard your router is providing a connection your maximum connection speed will vary. B – speed up to 11Mbps; G – up to 54 Mbps; N – max 300 Mbps and AC (presented in 2013) will grand extreme 1Gbps. Most of the routers will allow setting this setting to the mixed mode (IEEE 802 b/g/n or g/n/ac). This allows to broadcast at the highest speed, but also, devices that do not support the newest standard will still be able to connect to the wifi network.
In addition to things like router settings, there might be another harder to detect root causes.
First of all in some cases turned on Bluetooth on your laptop can drop your internet speed by 50%. Try to turn it off and check the results.
Another case is your HDMI cable that connects your desktop or laptop to the screen. In case your are using a cheap cable with no or single layer coating, high-frequency emission will cause unstable connection, package losses or no connection at all. In this case, you might try different channels on your router, but the best way is to purchase HDMI cable with triple or even four layers of coating.
Another case is your HDMI cable that connects your desktop or laptop to the screen. In case your are using a cheap cable with no or single layer coating, high-frequency emission will cause unstable connection, package losses or no connection at all. In this case, you might try different channels on your router, but the best way is to purchase HDMI cable with triple or even four layers of coating.
- On May 30, 2017
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